Brent Pohlman
Be the CEO of Yourself.

3 Simple Self-Care Steps to Level Up Your Leadership Game
Meet the Author
Brent Pohlman is an experienced motivational speaker and the author of Leaders Look Within

Brent Pohlman
Brent Pohlman, owner and CEO of Midwest Laboratories, strives to bring his A-game to work daily. At 15, Brent landed his first job at Midwest Laboratories, the company his father founded in 1975. He became CEO in 2016 and is passionate about teaching others to lead effectively. As a person of faith, he coaches people up, leads from the heart, and has achieved success by focusing on people, processes, and technology—in that order. His transformation has convinced him that leaders must look deeper within themselves to find their true identities.
Brent in the Media

Podcast Interviews
Brent Pohlman is featured on a number of podcasts where he discusses more about his book. Listen in now to learn more!

TV Media Appearances
Discover more about the Leaders Look Within method in these TV interviews.

Guest Articles
Looking to learn more? Check out these featured guest articles written by Brent Pohlman
Dig deep to understand what’s in your heart to help you unleash the true leader spirit inside of you
The corporate world can be demanding when success is only measured in KPIs and numbers. Even if positive results happen on paper, you have more to offer your company, but now feel like just another person who goes to work each day to do a job that has to be done.
Leadership isn’t easy. But you have the power to lead in your hand when you start from within.

Goodreads Book Giveaway
Leaders Look Within
by Brent Pohlman
Giveaway ends May 23, 2023.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.